- आदित्य*, डा. आर.एस. जरियाल एवं डा. कुमुद जरियाल
बागवानी एवं वानिकी महाविद्यालय नेरी, हमीरपुर (हिमाचल प्रदेश) - * स्नातकोतर छात्र (पादप रोग) ईमेल : adityabhatia29@gmail.com
Tags Mushroom Nutritional and Medicinal Properties of Mushroom
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Very good article on medicinal value of mushroom
It was excellent to hear some valuable information about nutritional properties of Mushroom…… Nice
Article not only provide medicinal value but of nutritional value as well.Hence highly useful and appreciable.
Mushroom is a good source of protein, minerals and vitamins. The phytochemical analysis reveals several pharmacological actions like anticancer, hypolipidemic, hypocholesterolemic and many more. This article may be categorized in “One Health” concept.