Blue whales | Offspring gain almost 220 pounds a day drinking milk that is 50% fat |
Grey Kangaroo | Makes two different kinds of milk at the same time for older and younger offspring |
Grizzly bear | Offspring are born and nursed during hibernation |
Holstein Friesian Cow | Makes 6-7 gallons of milk a day |
Mouse | In two weeks, can make its own body weight in milk fat alone |
Platypus | Secretes milk through skin pores on its belly |
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के.एल. दहिया1, यशवन्त सिंह2 एवं शुभम नरवाल3 1पशु चिकित्सक, पशुपालन एवं डेयरी विभाग, हरियाणा; email: …